Move Forward, America!

November 7, 2012

Proud of all of the Americans who were so involved and passionate in this presidential election.  So many enthusiastically exercised their privilege to vote and proudly conveyed their voice online and offline.  A great way to take action on your beliefs!  I have a profound respect for this.

A nail biting presidential race to be sure. For approximately half of the Americans, this race did not bring the results they wanted.   How many times in life do things turn out not as we hoped ? The truth is that many times in life this happens.  It builds character. For the other approximate half of the Americans, it did bring the results they wanted.  Either way, our work as a result of our voting does not stop due to a candidate being elected. The work is just beginning. The outcome of  one of the closest presidential races in history has given all us character building  opportunities. Here’s a link to the top 10 closest presidential races in history:

In fact, we are all called upon to be leaders, more so than ever before.  We have the opportunity to show graciousness and great sportsmanship like conduct, just as Governor Romney exhibited.

Moving forward will be a challenge for all involved because America faces great difficulties.

We must do all we can to have government stop spending and put our fiscal house in order. Ways we can do this are by letting Washington know our expectations through calling, emailing, signing petitions  using social media, voting in small elections and looking for more suggestions here. We have already seen the writing on the wall as to what has happened in fiscal irresponsibity to Greece and Italy.  Be not in denial that this will happen to America, too, unless measures are taken NOW.

Continue to communicate to government regarding the importance of policies for small businesses that will allow them to grow. Support think tanks and education for entrepreneurs.

Economics and social issues will not matter if our country is not kept secure. Four heroes died in Libya. Be educated on what transpired. Persist and demand that the unanswered questions on Libya are answered directly by the President.  Our commanding chief must be held accountable for actions and inactions.

Time must be taken to keep abreast of what is going on in our country and the world around us. In four years the world has changed so greatly, if we don’t stay involved the America we love will disappear. Yes, we are all busy. The result of our having our heads buried in the sand, will give us a negative outcome in seeing our future generations lost. We have to act NOW.

Bipartisanship by all constituents needs to occur. We have no choice but to pull together. If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. Helping America  begins with each one of us. Our fight to keep the America we love must continue. How will you lead? Your leadership establishes your legacy and that of your children and our future generation. How will u make a difference in America?

Your respectful comments, feedback and suggestions are welcome.



Do you have strong feelings about the elections?  Do you care about politics? Many do. They are talking about both politics and the elections using the social media platforms and this includes me. Facebook & Twitter are set to go, especially when the debates are on.

Programmed to conform, many of us are fearful to bring up topics we do not have total agreement with others on. We do not want to offend – we’ve been told it is not polite to talk about politics or it is not considered appropriate to discuss politics if you are in business.  Well, going against what we have been warned against – there go the social media rebels.  See ‘em loud…See ‘em proud!

Why do we discuss politics publicly?… you may ask. This is an extremely important election which  will extraordinarily influence the direction of our country.  We are at a perilous crossroad. And, guess what, not everyone shares my political beliefs. (Can you believe it?) And, it does NOT matter. Why? Because these people are passionate about their beliefs, they value their ideals, they give evidence as to why they believe what they do and they are involved in making a difference.  In fact, they are willing to stand up for what they believe in. . . “Stand for something rather than fall for anything”!  If we are the result of those we surround ourselves with,  I VOTE for passionate people who care about the issues of the day.  I‘m proud to connect with people who are constantly growing and feeling their way through the world because I am, too. Further clarifying why you believe what you do and challenging yourself to dig deeper is a WIN! These actions allow you to gain increased perspective on yourself as well as others and their value system. I like people who take an active role in their destiny and are interested in creating a legacy. I like people going for it and who are in the constant pursuit of the truth. And, finding more about what makes others tick, as well as myself, beats reading posts about what people are eating for dinner or how bored they are.  YOUR POWER EMPOWERS OTHERS!

The above is the paradigm I Found when discussing politics on Facebook.  This blog post is dedicated to my Facebook friends.  

A few pointers that will enable even more invigorating political discussions or at least maintain  and/ or enhance your Facebook friends.

* State the facts and why you believe what you do. Insults do not reflect the educated person you are.

* Think before you write.  Write. Reread.  Are you writing  a polarizing post or is it written in the spirit of   

    who you are? Are you honoring yourself without degrading others?  Reread what you wrote again

    before you post.   


* You are your brand even when discussing politics.

“Live large. One day your life will pass before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching.”

“See” you Monday night in “real-time”!  

Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Who else feels like I do?  Why?  Who else feels differently than me?  Why?  Or feel  free to leave a comment.

Authentic Networking Builds Relationships…Relationships Build Businesses & Careers

This is true offline and online….wouldn’t you agree? There is an art to building relationships and it starts with the basics.

Scenario 1: You are at a social event & you are introduced to someone who just received a promotion.

Scenario 2: You are reading your feed, your stream, your home page (hopefully) and it’s posted online   someone  in your network received a promotion.

What do you do?

 You congratulate this individual whether you are online or offline. Once you meet someone offline or online, this person has an impression of you which already can create word of mouth.  Word of mouth starts to spread your brand.  Is your impression favorable or unfavorable?  Every interaction can lead to a relationship and it’s up to you to determine that relationship.  Simple things, like congratulating someone, make people proud to know you and  glad they are part of your network.  It is your business to know what  your network is doing.  Why?  It’s your business because it is your responsibilty to strengthen relationships with them, continue learning from them which will eventually lead you to helping them in some way or another.  In this way, you will have received business from them or helped them.  If you have helped them, it will come back to you.  Mind you, many times it does not come back from the actual person you helped.

There are many easy ways to help a relationship flourish. One way is to acknowledge individual’s  strengths, such as, their intelligence, their work ethic  and/or other strengths you see in them.  Let them know you took the time to learn about them.  It’s so easy to do by googling them, asking someone about them and/or reading their various profiles. Appreciate what these people  teach you by way of conversation or their posted content.

What is a basic human need?  To be recognized and to be valued are basic human needs.  In giving in the above simple ways, it pays back tenfold.  It feels good and just do it.  Why? It takes a second and that multiplied over time when you develop a relationship with that person is well worth it.  Additionally, guess what it says to other people who notice you recognize others?  It says “wow”, they take time out for others;   they value people.  I would like to work with this type of individual as a client, a partner or as an employee. See how this all transfers to what your goals are?

Who do people do business with? People do business with hose they like, know and trust. Building a relationship takes time and requires repeated interaction. For those of you who are thinking, uh oh, relationships….. Yeah, you have to go through some of the soft skills to get to the bottom line. Your bottom line is determined by the NET of authentic relationships as that is what builds your business, career and life. Attitude determines altitude (Zig Ziglar)  in relationships as well!  

Happy building!


Social Media Straight Talk

August 16, 2012

Hello! Hope you are having a tremendous day.  Aiming to add value by contributing some of my knowledge and what is taking place online and how it affects you offline. 

So much to write about it….so much time… little time!

Social media is NOT just signing up for LinkedIn or some of the other platforms.  It’s a way of life, a way to do business, a way to CONNECT.

Social media provides transparency ummm REAL transparency.  It shows your company’s culture, values, and knowledge. Oh…. it is not YOUR company & you just work for them.  Guess what ?….you represent your company always offline and online.  Oh…. you are not currently with a company…Guess what?  your social media presence represents Brand You.  How does that brand show up? Does it even show up?

Social media is a REVOLUTION….

Social media is an expediter of information, efficiency, spreading the word!  There is a huge learning curve into weaving your way into the social media culture and layers. One book or one workshop isn’t going to give you the knowledge you need to survive.  Business has changed as we know it. And,… we’re all in business – remember Brand YOU?   If businesses are still practicing modus operandi and  trying to transfer that online, it is SO obvious that it glares in the internet communities! Social media has an exponential effect, whether it be positive or negative… it is optimal to put your best foot forward.  

Remember, if it is not YOUR company – your social media is positioning you for future promotions and other  career opportunities – how are you looking? Oh, YOU are not in a company right now? Guess what, people google you to make a decision whether they will meet with you, talk to you, rent to you, hire you or even date you? Unborn babies have a bigger presence online than many individuals.   An online presence is not an option; it is necessary.

Join the social media revolution to create the best for your company and/or You. 

Need some guidance.  Contact me.  Splendid! Available for consulting and training my copyrighted social media workshops as well. 




Expand YOUR Reach: Applying the Power of Social Media Connection

Many people and businesses  know how to use the tools and technology but still are not maximizing  social media. Why?  Social media engagement, preparing for opportunities, seizing opportunities, appropriate content and delivery method have not been refined or identified. These key elements are paramount for success. Many don’t know where their target audience is online and how their social media strategy is an extension of the inner workings of their business or career goals.

Many don’t know the all the tools or functionality available  on their  social media platforms or how to use them.   Once you know the tools, as well as their functionality, this is the easy part. The art and science of delivering content and engagement is what requires SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY!

We’re passionate about everyone wrapping their arms around social media.  Why? Without it, businesses, as well as individuals wanting to advance their careers, can’t survive & thrive!

If you would like to EXPAND your KNOWLEDGE, we request your attendance at our Atlanta workshop! See details below.

Expand YOUR Reach: Applying the Power of Social Media Connection



You are RESEARCHED before people contact you….if they can’t find anything or don’t like what they find, the initial contact never happens.

  •   Create & maximize your social media brand and presence
  •   Use social media to achieve professional  goals
  •   Build your social media success foundation
  •   Utilize LinkedIn and all of its tools to market yourself and/or your company
  •   Initiate and create strong connections
  •   Brief overview of Twitter, Facebook, & Pinterest
  •   Measurements for success
  •   Achieve your goals through social media
  •   Create your social media plan to get results
  •   Gain social media confidence

Date:              Thursday, April 12th 2012

 Time:              9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where:           Georgian Club    100 Galleria Pkwy SE # 1700  Atlanta, GA 30339

Investment:  $497 includes Beverages throughout the day, LUNCH BUFFET, YOUR PERSONALIZED SOCIAL

                        MEDIA PLAN* and great, new CONNECTIONS!  Bring a FRIEND, receive a 10% discount.

*SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. If you come prepared , are fully engaged , participate in the entire workshop, do the activities, complete your activity plan, and if you feel you received NO value, we will give you a complimentary private coaching session to address your needs.


You are asked questions

You are presented points of views regarding ranges of topics

You wonder what to post

You are asked to put WHO YOU ARE on your PROFILES

You are asked How are you unique from others

With the above, you have been given the opportunity to further define who you are.

Many times you are limited to characters and the nano second it takes to grab attention, this causes you to work on your CONCISENESS which is a factor in VALUING PEOPLE’s TIME. (VPT).  This is also a FACTOR in POWERFUL COMMUNICATION.

SOCIAL MEDIA represents the opportunity for HUGE GROWTH!

 Go ahead, take the SOCIAL MEDIA challenge and let it work for you!

 If you need assistance, this is what I’m a specialist in doing! Private and Corporate Consulting, Facilitating Social Media Workshops 

You are asked questions

You are presented points of views regarding ranges of topics

You wonder what to post

You are asked to put WHO YOU ARE on your PROFILES

You are asked How are you unique from others

With the above, you have been given the opportunity to further define who you are.

Many times you are limited to characters and the nano second it takes to grab attention, this causes you to work on your CONCISENESS which is a factor in VALUING PEOPLE’s TIME. (VPT).  This is also a FACTOR in POWERFUL COMMUNICATION.

SOCIAL MEDIA represents the opportunity for HUGE GROWTH!

 Go ahead, take the SOCIAL MEDIA challenge and let it work for you!

 If you need assistance, this is what I’m a specialist in doing! Private and Corporate Consulting, Facilitating Social Media Workshops 

You are asked questions

You are presented points of views regarding ranges of topics

You wonder what to post

You are asked to put WHO YOU ARE on your PROFILES

You are asked How are you unique from others

With the above, you have been given the opportunity to further define who you are.

Many times you are limited to characters and the nano second it takes to grab attention, this causes you to work on your CONCISENESS which is a factor in VALUING PEOPLE’s TIME. (VPT).  This is also a FACTOR in POWERFUL COMMUNICATION.

SOCIAL MEDIA represents the opportunity for HUGE GROWTH!

 Go ahead, take the SOCIAL MEDIA challenge and let it work for you!

 If you need assistance, this is what I’m a specialist in doing! Private and Corporate Consulting, Facilitate  Social Media Workshops 


I felt like a dum dum.  Even though I know I’m not (it’s all in your perception, right?! ) I allowed myself to feel that way. I know better. You  can’t be made to  feel that way, you choose it. So, in taking accountability for my feelings, I  went back to review why I felt this way. I reviewed my foundation and  thoughts.  In my review, clarity was reiterated  and the confidence once again bolstered.   

 We all have times when our intelligence or motives are questioned.  What I have found to be true in these times  is you have received  an opportunity to further clarify & strengthen your foundation.  The more you reflect and define your foundation, the STRONGER that foundation becomes. This FOUNDATION relates to your personal leadership. Becoming a GREAT LEADER which we all have the POTENTIAL to become, starts with your personal foundation.  I challenge you to define yours today & to continually build upon that foundation.

Have YOU ever feel like a dum dum ? What’s your story? How did you handle it? 


I felt like a dum dum.  Even though I know I’m not (it’s all in your perception, right?! ) I allowed myself to feel that way. I know better. You  can’t be made to  feel that way, you choose it. So, in taking accountability for my feelings, I  went back to review why I felt this way. I reviewed my foundation and  thoughts.  In my review, clarity was reiterated  and the confidence once again bolstered.   

 We all have times when our intelligence or motives are questioned.  What I have found to be true in these times  is you have received  an opportunity to further clarify & strengthen your foundation.  The more you reflect and define your foundation, the STRONGER that foundation becomes. This FOUNDATION relates to your personal leadership. Becoming a GREAT LEADER which we all have the POTENTIAL to become, starts with your personal foundation.  I challenge you to define yours today & to continually build upon that foundation.

Have YOU ever feel like a dum dum ? What’s your story? How did you handle it?